Director's Start of the Year Message | 26 August 2024
Dear All,
As we start the new academic year, I find it important to ensure that DUMESC and DISC remain welcoming spaces for everyone at Duke University, open to academic debate, study, and exchange. I invite all members of this great university to participate in our events and discussions about the region often referred to as the “Middle East” and about Muslim societies worldwide. My door is always open to students and colleagues.
I also find it important to openly acknowledge the situation in many regions that are dear to our hearts and from which we have students, faculty, and staff at our university. We must recognize the suffering and loss experienced by all communities involved, whether in Gaza and the West Bank, Israel, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, or Syria. Additionally, we must acknowledge the heated debates about the role of the United States of America and some European states in the current conflicts.
Patience and tolerance must guide our actions. This will be a challenging year. Our focus should be on academic exploration, not on replicating political tensions within our community. There are diverse perspectives on campus; I encourage you to explore and learn from all of them. However, we should also remember that it is perfectly acceptable to choose not to engage in discussions if one is not comfortable. Sometimes, we all need to just take a deep breath.
Let me finish on a positive note. In times of war, it is easy to forget that the Middle East is one of the most beautiful and interesting places in the world, with amazing people, history, culture, hospitality, food, beauty, and wonder. I acknowledge that it is hard to remember magnificence in trying times, but our collective task at DUMESC and DISC is also to use our privilege to learn and keep the good, the magical, and the human alive.
I extend my warmest welcome to all of you for the upcoming academic year.
Adam Mestyan